
Town of Piešťany / Monuments

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    Dal ho postaviť roku 1802 Jozef Erdödy a murárske práce urobili majstri z Hlohovca pod vedením Šimona Lehnera. Hlavným...
    Koncom štyridsiatych a začiatkom päťdesiatych rokov 20. storočia sa v súvislosti s výstavbou tvz. lesníckej kolónie po...
    This one - nave, neogothic church was built in 1905 according to the project of J. Krátky. There are three severies in...
    A listed cultural sight. The facility consists of a 25 - metre covered swimming pool (currently out of order), a 50 -...
    This ferroconcrete water- tower was built in 1928 by the company Pittel and Brausewetter, it belongs to expositions of...
    This school, originally called after M. R. Štefánika, was built in 1938 to a design by the architect F. Bednárik, it...
    A listed cultural sight. The Elementary Art School, formelly called Sancta Maria, was a first nunnery founded around...
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