Details - Piešťanské informačné centrum

Green Tree


Establishment date

Winterova ulica, 19

This object has almost a palatial exterior. It was bulit in the first half of the first decade of the 20th century when the two adjacent civic house (from the first quarter of the 19th century) were reconstructed and joined together. The eclectic renovation of the building ´s facade, with flashing marks of Art noveau, is said to be designed by the tandem H. Böhm - Á. Hegedüs and their architectonic office. The building has been used as a residence of the spa director and lessee of the spa, as a hotel, and currently it is used for therapeutic purposes. The memorial plaque on the building ´s facade is dedicated to the merited lessee of the Spa, L. Winter (1870 - 1968).

detské liečebne, liečenie, liečebne