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Following the road across the large and uphill stretched English style park, with a glimpse at the Empire style theatre...
The manor - house built above the village Lúka in 1674 deserves at least a short visit. It is the typ of renaissance...
The classicistic manor - house was built as a representative residence of the Brunswick´s family at the end of the 18th...
V renesančnom kaštieli dediny Moravany nad Váhom je ďalšia, v poradí už tretia sakrálna stavba. Polygonálna kaplnka je...
Podľa paleontologických a archeologických nálezov v chotári obce bolo sídlo lovcov mamutov a neskôr sídlisko kultúry...
Obec, ako sme to už spomínali v prípade tvz. Horného kostola, je písomne doložená od roku 1348 ako Marwan v darovacej...
Obec je písomne doložená od roku 1348 ako Marwan v darovacej listine kráľa Ľudovíta I. magistrovi Mikulášovi, správcovi...
A listed cultural sight. The power plant designed by an anonymus architect was put into service in 1906. Its...
The work of the sculptor L. Ľ. Pollák, unveiled in 1948 to memorialise Adam Trajan from Benešov who had commorated the...
The monument was built by the academic sculptor L. Ľ. Pollák in 1939, the iniciative for its realisation was an...
The sandstone monument placed opposite the church of St. Stephen, was built in 1937 by the native academic sculptor V....
The work of the Romanian architect E. Ciuca remembers us of the great share that the Romanian army had in the...
Records from 1 to 14 of 14