
Town of Piešťany / Monuments

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    Okolie Trenčína nesie stopy pôsobenia sv. Cyrila a Metoda. V liste zoborského opátstva sa spomína, že na ceste Vrbové -...
    The beginnings of the remarkable historical building Bezovec - František´s Villa date from before 1806, the building...
    Bojnický zámok je jedným z najstarších a najvýznamnejších slovenských hradov. Stojí na travertínovej kope nad mestom....
    Existoval už v 9. stor. ako stredisko slovanského kmeňa. R. 1434 sa stal kráľovským sídlom a súčasne románsky objekt...
    The sculptor A. Trizuljak made this statue as a monument of the first plain - air exhibition of plastics in the...
    Na pravom brehu Váhu, v blízkosti Nového Mesta nad Váhom sa zachoval renesančný kaštieľ z druhej polovice 17. storočia...
    The building was constructed to a design by the architect S. Bresciani, currently living in Piešťany, between the years...
    The work of the sculptor V. Vavro, in 1992 the bust was placed on the house of Ivan Stodola in which this doctor,...
    The complex with a capacity of 1280 beds provides full accomodation,catering, balneotherapeutic, physiotherapeutic,...
    A listed cultural sight. This symmetric fan - composition, situated around the central balneotharapeutic facilities,...
    Both locations, Košariská a Bradlo, are associated with Milan Rastislav Štefánik - a notable person of modern Slovak...
    This block of 280 residential units, with a colonnade and shops, was built between the years 1958 and 1962 to a design...
    Both houses were designed by the architect A, Leitersdorf. Hron originally named Dr. Müller, was built in the year 1927...
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